Keeping up with the SOPA and PIPA bills since they

Wikipedia and other anti-SOPA advocates felt that SOPA and PIPA infringed on man's online rights. They claimed that the first amendment was in jeopardy if these bills pass. The following and awareness raised by Wikipedia and Google is somewhat scary. Overnight, almost single-handedly, Wikipedia and Google were able to inform the public of their agenda, and the public followed.
Since the vote, articles and blurbs have emerged. These newer articles show that the music industry, the TV industry, and movie industry (the entertainment industry) are pro-PIPA and SOPA because they feel the bills protect their work. Sadly, for them, the bill was squashed and the public, I believe, will keep the bill down. Unless, of coarse, the United states turns into communist Russia. If that's the case, then...

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